Hate Mail

Well all its been a while since I've made any modifcations, but this is something I felt the world needed to see. It may be hard to belive but there are losers in the world that don't like GOLDFINGER! *shudder* I know its a scarey thought but they are actually out there. This part of my site is dedicated to those losers who you are welcome to harm, maim, hack, emailbomb, or deal with at your leisure. I encourage you to read these letters and see just how lame these people are. Thanks again for visiting I hope you enjoy this new section. BTW I cannot be held responsible for anything that you do with these letters. Have a nice day.

Lamer number 1 Nate Vang with the little wang.
The little wanged one returns.
You don't have to lie to be my friend.
