This Page Contains Explicit Lyrics

Hi, Im Jeremy Russell and this is my tribute to GOLDFINGER. If you dont know who or what GOLDFINGER is, Im going to tell you. GOLDFINGER first off is my favorite band. GOLDFINGER is a ska/punk band from California that really kicks ass! Seeing that MTV seems to not want to play GOLDFINGER videos you can find them on the web mtv.com has mable in its archive or through my links list. I've seen them live and I think they are better live than on the CD. But if you don't have the chance to see them live just pick up one of these CDs "GOLDFINGER" or "Hang-Ups". Thats the cover of both of them at the top of my page.

On this page you will find pictures of the band, lyrics for GOLDFINGER songs, links to other GOLDFINGER pages, and anything I can find on GOLDFINGER! The new GOLDFINGER album is now out!!!!! Hang-Ups. I have added all the lyrics to my page thanks once again to MoJo Records!!! Gotta love them. Thanks to all for visiting and thanks to you who have visited before for return visits! Oh and while im at it Thanks to all who have emailed me and not gotten a reply sorry!!! I need everyone who wanted their page added to re email me with the URL and I will add it ASAP thanks.

First some pictures of the band, these are the only ones I can find if you have any diffrent ones "PLEASE SEND THEM TO ME!!!! If you have any tabs to other than the ones I have PLEASE SEND THEM TO ME ALSO!!!"

John Feldmann:Lead Vocals, Guitar

Charlie Paulson:Guitar, Gibson, Fender, Camel

Simon Williams:Bass, Vocals

"Dangerous" Darrin Pfeiffer:Drums, Vocals







FEED BACK!! This page is FAR from complete but it is viewable. Thank you for visiting my webpage. I hope you enjoyed your stay! Tell me what you think, this is my first webpage after all. BTW Im writing it in NOTEPAD!!!